INQA_Coach INQA_Coach


  • Owner of BRIX – Coaching & Training
  • Owner of BRIX - Company Culture Development
  • Certified in Holacracy® - Agile organizational structure
  • Several years of lectureship at Europa-Universität Flensburg (International HR Management)
  • Certified SMC® Systemic Management Coach / Business Coach
  • Experienced trainer in corporate culture, leadership, communication, conflict management, motivation, team development etc.
  • Certified expert in corporate diagnostics: REP:GRID®
  • Certified in personality assessment instruments (MPA®, MSA®, HOGAN®, MBTI®, Saville Consulting Wave®, epp®, PI®)
  • HR developer experienced in concept development and organization
  • Several years as HR manager in international corporation
  • Many years of leadership experience in administration and production
  • Qualified and experienced HR officer
  • International project experience
  • Many years as freelance teacher
  • Bachelor of Business Administration -  HR-Management
  • Industrial master craftsman

My services

As an experienced business coach, I can draw on many years of managerial responsibility in an international corporation and my work as a university teacher. Based on this background, I combine the latest scientific findings with the real situation in your organization and support you with your change process in a professional and targeted manner. All of my services are based on scientific methods and models which have been tested in practice and follow clearly structured and efficient procedures.


As a coach, I strictly adhere to the values of the „Neuen Hamburger Schule“. The NHS describes a consistent, systemic-constructivist coaching approach. My coaching is aimed at guiding you through a highly professional and structured process in order to achieve the objectives defined by yourself. It is important to me that you recognize on your own which competences you are supposed to build in connection with your objective and which path you have to pursue.

Systemic Management Coaching offers the ideal foundation for the successful implementation of change processes, whether in terms of organization, human resources or personality development. What’s more: it is by far the most efficient and most economical way of pushing change, problem solving, or pursuit of self-awareness processes, regardless of whether they relate to business or personal issues.

Coaching objectives:

  • Enhance self-awareness.
  • Develop and define the competences and assessment patterns required for your objective.
  • Enable and/or push the ability to make decisions.
  • Develop and implement concrete alternative courses of action.

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Markets are getting more and more complex and dynamic by the day. Hence, predictability and response times are decreasing and organizations are forced to continuously adapt to ever new situations and circumstances. In concrete terms, this entails creating organizational structures which are able to learn and change while maintaining the performance and motivation of all employees. A challenging task involving that employee health is maintained and, at the same time, the way for innovation and further development is paved.

The efficiency of production and service processes is at a high level today, thanks to many well-known methods and technologies. Therefore, the big challenge organizations are faced with is the competence to manage necessary change processes, e.g. mergers or restructuring processes, in a professional manner to ensure that employee motivation and loyalty is maintained and all staff act in concert to embark on a successful future.

Organizational development focuses on:

  • Providing professional change management
  • Establishing and maintaining a corporate culture
  • Establishing and maintaining a leadership culture



I regard trainings and seminars as an interactive process between the organization and the trainer. Based on a thorough analysis of your real demands, I will develop individual measures taking into account the objectives of your participants, your teams and, of course, your organization. The methods and approaches to be used will be chosen to match your concrete learning objective. In my opinion, seminars and trainings are an active “learning experience” which can be smoothly transferred to the practical work environment.

My trainings focus on:

  • Leadership (all aspects)
  • Change management and corporate culture
  • Communication
  • Conflict management
  • Team development



Facilitation, as I define it, means supporting individuals with their opinion-forming and decision-making process without interfering in terms of content.  As a facilitator, I make sure that this process involves a maximum of creativity. The responsibility for the content, however, lies with the participants.

The reasons and topics for facilitation are as multifaceted as the system of the organization hiring me as a service provider. The wide variety of topics comprises: vision, mission, guiding principles, commitment, objective, strategy, structure, process, culture, team development, conflict and change management etc.

I offer the following facilitation formats:

  • Workshops
  • Retreats
  • Large groups



My tools for your success

To help you implement your change processes I will be pleased to support you with the following scientific tools:


emotional performance profile

With the help of the epp, a customer becomes emotionally articulate in order to lead themselves and others in an emotionally intelligent way.mehr erfahrenpdf


Motive Potential Analysis

reveals not only a person’s motives, but also the power they bear, the potential. mehr erfahren


Motive Structure Analysis

reveals the individual motive structure of each person and offers them a key to self-motivation enabling them to achieve continued life satisfaction. mehr erfahrenpdf



visualizes the perceptions, thought patterns, opinions and convictions of organizations. mehr erfahrenvideo


Myers Briggs Type Indicator

an instrument of personality typology used in human resources, executive training, management, organizational development and personal development. mehr erfahrenpdf


Hogan Assessments

personality-based tests to assess management and leadership potentials, leadership risks and values. mehr erfahrenpdf

Zertifiziertes Qualitätsmanagement nach EN ISO 9001:2015

Als zertifizierter Business Coach, Berater und Trainer nach EN ISO 9001:2015 gewährleiste ich höchste Qualitätsstandards in den Kernbereichen der Unternehmens- und Mitarbeiterführung sowie der Organisationsentwicklung. Mein Ansatz kombiniert fundierte Methoden mit maßgeschneiderten Strategien, um Ihre Ziele effektiv und nachhaltig zu erreichen. Vertrauen Sie auf meine Expertise, um Ihr Unternehmen auf das nächste Level zu heben. Professionalität und Zielorientierung sind für mich nicht nur Versprechen, sondern gelebte Praxis. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Ihre Visionen verwirklichen!


Das mitarbeiter*innenorientierte Beratungsprogramm für KMU

Von Digitalisierung bis Dekarbonisierung: Auch kleine und mittlere Unternehmen spüren den Wandel der Arbeitswelt. INQA-Coaching bietet niedrigschwellige Beratungs- und Unterstützungsleistungen, um den Herausforderungen zu begegnen und sich gemeinsam mit den Beschäftigten krisensicher und zukunftsfest aufzustellen. Bis zu 80 % (ca. 11.500€) der Beratungskosten können übernommen werden.
Gehen Sie den Wandel aktiv an!

Ablauf in 3 Schritten:

in der INQA-Beratungsstelle (IBS)
  • Prüfung der Förderfähigkeit
  • Ermittlung des Veränderungsbedarfs im Zusammenhang mit der digitalen Transformation
  • Ggf. Ausgabe des INQA-Coaching-Schecks
INQA-Coaching im Betrieb
mit autorisiertem INQA-Coach
  • Durchführung des INQA-Coachings anhand einer agilen Methode
  • Erarbeitung passgenauer Lösungen in einem gemeinsamen Lern- und Entwicklungsprozess mit Beschäftigten und Unternehmensführung
mit der IBS
  • Ca. 3–6 Monate nach Ende des INQA-Coachings
  • Auswertung der Ergebnisse und Wirkungen des INQA-Coachings zwischen Unternehmen und IBS

Mehr zum Programm:

Die zentralen Gestaltungsfelder

  1. Neue Geschäftsmodelle & Innovationsstrategien
    Wie schnell können Sie auf veränderte Marktbedingungen reagieren?
  2. Produktionsmodell & Arbeitsorganisation
    Welche Auswirkungen hat die Digitalisierung auf die Arbeitsorganisation in Ihrem Unternehmen?
  3. Personalpolitik, Beschäftigung & Qualifizierung
    Inwieweit sind Ihre Mitarbeitenden fit für die Arbeit in der digitalisierten Welt?
  4. Sozialbeziehungen & Kultur
    Was bedeutet der digitale Wandel für Ihre Unternehmenskultur?
  5. Führung, berufliche Entwicklung & Karriere
    Was können Führungskräfte heute tun, um Fachkräfte zu gewinnen bzw. zu halten?
  6. Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft, Arbeitszeit- & Leistungspolitik
    Wie sieht der Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft in Ihrem Unternehmen aus?


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